Chorus Section Representatives
Soprano section
Soprano 1 Section Rep:
Margaret Nathan
Soprano 2 Section Rep:
Takako Sato
Alto section
Alto 1 Section Rep:
Sylvia Outram
Alto 2 Section Rep:
Sylvia Outram
Tenor Section
Tenor 1 Section Rep:
Margaret Hall
Tenor 2 Section Rep:
John Copeland
Bass section
Bass 1 and 2 Section Rep:
Benjamin Ellis
What does a section rep do?
Section reps are essential volunteers - they help the chorus to run smoothly and look after the members in their section. They send out information from the Board of Trustees to their section via emails and texts, and they are the point of contact if a member can't attend a rehearsal. They play an essential part in welcoming new members to their section and in making sure that everyone in their section has the right music and is able to access resources and practice recordings. Once a term, they have an informal sectional meeting with the members of their section to collect their thoughts, feedback, ideas and views, and they pass this on to the Trustees, to inform future chorus policy and planning.
Section reps are elected once a year and anyone can stand - from the longest-serving to the newest member of the chorus. All you need is enthusiasm and good organisational and communication skills!
We currently have vacancies for reps in the Alto 2 and Tenor 2 sections (thanks Sylvia and John for standing in), so if you'd like to give the role a go or find out more about being a section rep, please speak to one of the Trustees or serving Reps at a rehearsal.